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أحمد عبد الغنى السيد عويس - صفحات أعضاء هيئة التدريس | جامعة دمياط
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البريد الإلكتروني :
المقررات الدراسية
الأبحاث العلمية علي موقع الجامعه
1 - عنوان البحث:
Automated students arabic essay scoring using trained neural network by e-jaya optimization to support personalized system of instruction
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2 - عنوان البحث:
A new multi-objective optimization algorithm combined with oppositionbased learning
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3 - عنوان البحث:
Enhanced salp swarm algorithm based on firefly algorithm for unrelated parallel machine scheduling with setup times
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4 - عنوان البحث:
Improved ANFIS model for forecasting Wuhan City Air Quality and analysis COVID-19 lockdown impacts on air quality
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5 - عنوان البحث:
Modified whale optimization algorithm for solving unrelated parallel machine scheduling problems
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6 - عنوان البحث:
Boosted ANFIS model using augmented marine predator algorithm with mutation operators for wind power forecasting
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7 - عنوان البحث:
HBO-LSTM: Optimized long short term memory with heap-based optimizer for wind power forecasting
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8 - عنوان البحث:
The viability of extended marine predators algorithm-based artificial neural networks for streamflow prediction
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9 - عنوان البحث:
Enhanced Marine Predators Algorithm for Solving Global Optimization and Feature Selection Problems
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10 - عنوان البحث:
Grasshopper optimization algorithm with crossover operators for feature selection and solving engineering problems
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11 - عنوان البحث:
Improved seagull optimization algorithm using Lévy flight and mutation operator for feature selection
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12 - عنوان البحث:
Triangular mutation-based manta-ray foraging optimization and orthogonal learning for global optimization and engineering problems
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13 - عنوان البحث:
Augmented arithmetic optimization algorithm using opposite-based learning and lévy flight distribution for global optimization and data clustering
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14 - عنوان البحث:
Wind power prediction using random vector functional link network with capuchin search algorithm
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15 - عنوان البحث:
TLIA: Time-series forecasting model using long short-term memory integrated with artificial neural networks for volatile energy markets
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16 - عنوان البحث:
An improved gorilla troops optimizer for global optimization problems and feature selection
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17 - عنوان البحث:
A social media event detection framework based on transformers and swarm optimization for public notification of crises and emergency management
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الأبحاث العلمية من
Google Scholar
Aquila optimizer: a novel meta-heuristic optimization algorithm
Whale optimization algorithm and moth-flame optimization for multilevel thresholding image segmentation
Optimization method for forecasting confirmed cases of COVID-19 in China
Improved salp swarm algorithm based on particle swarm optimization for feature selection
Improved grasshopper optimization algorithm using opposition-based learning
Efficient classification of white blood cell leukemia with improved swarm optimization of deep features
Forecasting gold price fluctuations using improved multilayer perceptron neural network and whale optimization algorithm
A review on meta-heuristics methods for estimating parameters of solar cells
Boosting salp swarm algorithm by sine cosine algorithm and disrupt operator for feature selection
Chaotic multi-verse optimizer-based feature selection
Marine Predators Algorithm for Forecasting Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 in Italy, USA, Iran and Korea
An improved Marine Predators algorithm with fuzzy entropy for multi-level thresholding: Real world example of COVID-19 CT image segmentation
Multi-objective whale optimization algorithm for content-based image retrieval
Opposition-based moth-flame optimization improved by differential evolution for feature selection
HBO-LSTM: Optimized long short term memory with heap-based optimizer for wind power forecasting
A chaotic improved artificial bee colony for parameter estimation of photovoltaic cells
Boosted ANFIS model using augmented marine predator algorithm with mutation operators for wind power forecasting
Performance analysis of chaotic multi-verse harris hawks optimization: a case study on solving engineering problems
Multi-level thresholding-based grey scale image segmentation using multi-objective multi-verse optimizer
Efficient artificial intelligence forecasting models for COVID-19 outbreak in Russia and Brazil
Optimized ANFIS Model Using Aquila Optimizer for Oil Production Forecasting
Improving multilayer perceptron neural network using chaotic grasshopper optimization algorithm to forecast iron ore price volatility
Improved ANFIS model for forecasting Wuhan City air quality and analysis COVID-19 lockdown impacts on air quality
Forecasting copper prices using hybrid adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system and genetic algorithms
Improved Artificial Bee Colony Using Sine-Cosine Algorithm for Multi-Level Thresholding Image Segmentation
Improved Slime Mould Algorithm based on Firefly Algorithm for feature selection: A case study on QSAR model
COVID-19 X-ray images classification based on enhanced fractional-order cuckoo search optimizer using heavy-tailed distributions
Global solar radiation prediction over North Dakota using air temperature: development of novel hybrid intelligence model
Multi-objective whale optimization algorithm for multilevel thresholding segmentation
Advanced metaheuristic techniques for mechanical design problems
Reliable applied objective for identifying simple and detailed photovoltaic models using modern metaheuristics: Comparative study
Utilization of Random Vector Functional Link integrated with Marine Predators Algorithm for tensile behavior prediction of dissimilar friction stir welded aluminum alloy joints
Social media toxicity classification using deep learning: real-world application UK Brexit
Improved seagull optimization algorithm using Lévy flight and mutation operator for feature selection
Boosting Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm with Genetic Algorithm Operators for Feature Selection: Case Study on Cox Proportional Hazards Model
A hybrid method of sine cosine algorithm and differential evolution for feature selection
Application of improved version of multi verse optimizer algorithm for modeling solar radiation
Prediction of biochar yield using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system with particle swarm optimization
Channel State Information from Pure Communication to Sense and Track Human Motion: A Survey
Improved multiobjective salp swarm optimization for virtual machine placement in cloud computing
Modified aquila optimizer for forecasting oil production
Enhanced salp swarm algorithm based on firefly algorithm for unrelated parallel machine scheduling with setup times
Social-spider optimization algorithm for improving ANFIS to predict biochar yield
Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms Hybridized With Artificial Intelligence Model for Soil Temperature Prediction: Novel Model
Training feedforward neural networks using Sine-Cosine algorithm to improve the prediction of liver enzymes on fish farmed on nano-selenite
Improving adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system based on a modified salp swarm algorithm using genetic algorithm to forecast crude oil price
A Grunwald–Letnikov based Manta ray foraging optimizer for global optimization and image segmentation
Boosting chameleon swarm algorithm with consumption AEO operator for global optimization and feature selection
An improved gorilla troops optimizer for global optimization problems and feature selection
Hybrid swarms optimization based image segmentation
Multilevel thresholding image segmentation based on improved volleyball premier league algorithm using whale optimization algorithm
Automatic data clustering based on hybrid atom search optimization and sine-cosine algorithm
Oil consumption forecasting using optimized adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system based on sine cosine algorithm
A new multi-objective optimization algorithm combined with opposition-based learning
Sine-Cosine Algorithm to Enhance Simulated Annealing for Unrelated Parallel Machine Scheduling with Setup Times
An Electric Fish-Based Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm for Feature Selection
Multi-Modal Evolutionary Deep Learning Model for Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis
Improving twin support vector machine based on hybrid swarm optimizer for heartbeat classification
Gradient-based optimizer improved by Slime Mould Algorithm for global optimization and feature selection for diverse computation problems
Galaxy images classification using hybrid brain storm optimization with moth flame optimization
Multi-level image thresholding based on modified spherical search optimizer and fuzzy entropy
MTV-MFO: Multi-Trial Vector-Based Moth-Flame Optimization Algorithm
Feature selection based on improved runner-root algorithm using chaotic singer map and opposition-based learning
Efficient text document clustering approach using multi-search Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm
Improved adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system using gray wolf optimization: a case study in predicting biochar yield
Predicting CO2 trapping in deep saline aquifers using optimized long short-term memory
A hybrid krill-ANFIS model for wind speed forecasting
Modified Harris Hawks optimizer for solving machine scheduling problems
Discrete fractional-order Caputo method to overcome trapping in local optima: Manta Ray Foraging Optimizer as a case study
Automatic clustering method to segment COVID-19 CT images
Boosting arithmetic optimization algorithm by sine cosine algorithm and levy flight distribution for solving engineering optimization problems
Modified marine predators algorithm for feature selection: case study metabolomics
Image segmentation via multilevel thresholding using hybrid optimization algorithms
A Modified Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System Using Multi-Verse Optimizer Algorithm for Oil Consumption Forecasting
Wind power prediction using random vector functional link network with capuchin search algorithm
Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm With Crossover Operators for Feature Selection and Solving Engineering Problems
A Bio-inspired moth-flame optimization algorithm for Arabic handwritten letter recognition
Modified whale optimization algorithm for solving unrelated parallel machine scheduling problems
Recent Advances in NLP: The Case of Arabic Language
Evaluating the Applications of Dendritic Neuron Model with Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms for Crude-Oil-Production Forecasting
A new insight for real-time wastewater quality prediction using hybridized kernel-based extreme learning machines with advanced optimization algorithms
Advance artificial time series forecasting model for oil production using neuro fuzzy-based slime mould algorithm
Modified Artificial Ecosystem-Based Optimization for Multilevel Thresholding Image Segmentation
TLIA: Time-series forecasting model using long short-term memory integrated with artificial neural networks for volatile energy markets
Cooperative meta-heuristic algorithms for global optimization problems
A dataset for speech recognition to support Arabic phoneme pronunciation
An optimized neuro-fuzzy system using advance nature-inspired Aquila and Salp swarm algorithms for smart predictive residual and solubility carbon trapping efficiency in …
New feature selection paradigm based on hyper-heuristic technique
Wind Power Forecasting Using Optimized Dendritic Neural Model Based on Seagull Optimization Algorithm and Aquila Optimizer
Feature selection for high dimensional datasets based on quantum-based dwarf mongoose optimization
A Cox Proportional-Hazards Model Based on an Improved Aquila Optimizer with Whale Optimization Algorithm Operators
Triangular mutation-based manta-ray foraging optimization and orthogonal learning for global optimization and engineering problems
Automated students arabic essay scoring using trained neural network by e-jaya optimization to support personalized system of instruction
Optimized Forecasting Method for Weekly Influenza Confirmed Cases
Enhanced feature selection technique using slime mould algorithm: a case study on chemical data
Recognition system for alphabet Arabic sign language using neutrosophic and fuzzy c-means
Compressive strength prediction using coupled deep learning model with extreme gradient boosting algorithm: environmentally friendly concrete incorporating recycled aggregate
Augmented arithmetic optimization algorithm using opposite-based learning and lévy flight distribution for global optimization and data clustering
Balancing the Influence of Evolutionary Operators for Global optimization
A social media event detection framework based on transformers and swarm optimization for public notification of crises and emergency management
Dew Point Time Series Forecasting at the North Dakota
Automated Assessment of Students' Arabic Free-text Answers
Solving Multi-Objective Problems Using Bird Swarm Algorithm
Optimized Random Vector Functional Link network to predict oil production from Tahe oil field in China
prediction of the vaccine-derived poliovirus outbreak incidence: A hybrid machine learning approach
Land use/land cover (LULC) classification using hyperspectral images: a review
Prediction and management system for forest fires based on hybrid flower pollination optimization algorithm and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system
ResInformer: residual transformer-based artificial time-series forecasting model for PM2. 5 concentration in three major Chinese cities
Sine–Cosine-Barnacles Algorithm Optimizer with disruption operator for global optimization and automatic data clustering
Wild Horse Optimizer-Based Spiral Updating for Feature Selection
Daily scale river flow simulation: hybridized fuzzy logic model with metaheuristic algorithms
Boosting atomic orbit search using dynamic-based learning for feature selection
Recent Advances in NLP: The Case of Arabic Language
The non-monopolize search (NO): a novel single-based local search optimization algorithm
Comparison of cosine similarity and k-NN for automated essays scoring
Phantom: Towards vendor-agnostic resource consolidation in cloud environments
Single Arabic Document Summarization Using Natural Language Processing Technique
Features selection for facial expression recognition
Fall detection systems for internet of medical things based on wearable sensors: A review
Chest X-ray Images for Lung Disease Detection Using Deep Learning Techniques: A Comprehensive Survey
Evaluation of cisplatin efficiency as a chemotherapeutic drug based on neural networks optimized by genetic algorithm
Optimized support vector machines for unveiling mortality incidence in Tilapia fish
Proposed method for segmenting skin lesions images
Bio-inspired optimization algorithms for improving artificial neural networks: a case study on handwritten letter recognition
Effective medical image retrieval technique based on texture features
Students head-pose estimation using partially-latent mixture
Edge detection-based segmentation for detecting skin lesions
Face-Pose Estimation for Learning Systems
Linguistic feature fusion for arabic fake news detection and named entity recognition using reinforcement learning and swarm optimization
AEOWOA: hybridizing whale optimization algorithm with artificial ecosystem-based optimization for optimal feature selection and global optimization
Boosted barnacles algorithm optimizer: Comprehensive analysis for social IoT applications
Improved Approach Based on Fuzzy Rough Set and Sine-Cosine Algorithm: A Case Study on Prediction of Osteoporosis
A competitive swarm algorithm for image segmentation guided by opposite fuzzy entropy
Wind power forecasting using optimized LSTM by attraction–repulsion optimization algorithm
A Hybrid Multitask Learning Framework with a Fire Hawk Optimizer for Arabic Fake News Detection
Optimized ANFIS Model Using Aquila Optimizer for Oil Production Forecasting. Processes. 2021; 9: 1194
A proposed approach for Arabic semantic annotation
Optimized quantum LSTM using modified electric Eel foraging optimization for real-world intelligence engineering systems
Feature Selection for High Dimensional Datasets Based on Quantum-Based Dwarf Mongoose Optimization
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Science and Applications (CAISA)
Intelligent System for Acquiring Knowledge by Converting Arabic Speech to Text
MTV-MFO: Multi-Trial Vector-Based Moth-Flame Optimization Algorithm. Symmetry 2021, 13, 2388
Automatic clustering method to segment covid-19 CT images
Improved ANFIS model for forecasting Wuhan City Air Quality and analysis COVID-19 lockdown impacts on air quality
A Survey of Swarm Intelligence for Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing
Author correction: prediction of the Vaccine-derived poliovirus outbreak incidence: A Hybrid Machine Learning Approach
Recent Advances in NLP: The Case of Arabic
Requirement of designing and developing educational web forums
Mohamed Abd Elaziz Mohamed Medhat Gaber Shaker El-Sappagh Mohammed AA Al-qaness