News Archives

Congratulations to Damietta University scientists whose names were included in the Stanford list


Prof./ Mohamed Abd El-Hameed Shehab, Vice President of the University for Graduate Studies and Research, extends his heartfelt congratulations to the distinguished scientists of Damietta University whose names have been included in the Stanford list of the top 2% of scientists in the world. He wishes them continued success and advancement in their academic journey.

They are as follows according to their international rank in the lists: -

Prof. / Ahmed Abdelghani Ewais** - Department of Computer Science - Field of Artificial Intelligence 

Prof. / Emad Al-Saeed** - Faculty of Engineering - Field of Energy 

Prof. / Ashraf Al-Bandari** - Faculty of Science - Field of Chemical Physics 

Prof. / Abdel Jawad Radi** - Faculty of Science - Field of Analytical Chemistry 

Prof. / Adel Zaki Al-Sonbati** - Faculty of Science - Field of Chemical Physics 

Prof. / Hamdi Zidan (May God have mercy on him) ** - Faculty of Science - Field of Polymers

Prof. / Nasra Ayoub** - Faculty of Medicine - Field of General Medicine 

Prof. / Mohamed Sarhan** - Faculty of Science - Field of Applied Geophysics 

"In this regard, Prof. /Mohamed Abdelhamid Shehab extends his sincere thanks and appreciation to Prof. / Hemdan Rabie Al-Metwally, President of the University, for his continuous efforts in developing plans and strategies to improve the ranking of Damietta University. He also thanks the ranking unit team, led by Prof. /Amani Al-Daisaty, wishing them continued success."

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the 9th Young Scientists Forum


     "What was received from the Head of the Cultural Affairs and Missions Sector at the Ministry of Higher Education regarding the 9th Forum for Young Scientists in the BRICS group and the 7th BRICS Young Innovator Prize, which will be organized from November 12 to 22, 2024."

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The meeting of the Scientific Research Ethics Subcommittee


         "The meeting of the Subcommittee on Research Ethics for the Basic Sciences Sector (Faculty of Science - Faculty of Agriculture) was held today, Sunday, September 1, 2024, in the presence of Prof. /Mohamed Abdelhamid Shehab, Vice President of the University for Graduate Studies and Research, and Prof. / Mamdouh Mohamed Ne'matallah, former Vice President of the University for Graduate Studies and Research, former Acting President of the University, and Emeritus Professor at the Faculty of Science,  as the committee's rapporteur. Prof./ Khaled Hassan Al-Khouli, Professor at the Faculty of Agriculture, was the committee’s secretary.

Prof. /Mohamed Abdelhamid Shehab began by welcoming the attendees, and the committee members congratulated him on his appointment as Vice President of the University for Graduate Studies and Research, wishing him continued success.

Prof. /Mohamed Shehab emphasized the importance of the committee’s role in granting approvals for submitted research and theses, under the decision of the Supreme Council of Universities, which mandated that research submitted for promotion must be approved by committees formed at the universities. The committee then began discussing the topics."


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Scholarships from Mexico


  The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID), affiliated with the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs, announced the opening of applications for the 2024 International Student Scholarship Program offered by the Mexican government, which provides an opportunity for outstanding students from more than 180 countries (including Egypt) to study undergraduate or graduate studies in more than 90 Mexican educational institutions. Note that one of the conditions for applying to the program is a good command of the Spanish language.

For more details and to know the last date for applying, please visit the following website:

 Note that the Central Administration of Missions does not defray any expenses for these scholarships.

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The 16th Hope Meeting in Japan


The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) announces the 16th HOPE Young Researchers Meeting in Yokohama, Japan, from March 9-13, 2025.

The application conditions:

  1. The candidate must be a PhD holder or a young researcher specializing in physics, chemistry, physiology (medicine), or related fields.

The Financial Benefits: JSPS defrays the following:

  1.  Meeting cost.
  2.  Candidates' accommodation.
  3.  Meals.
  4.  Meeting venue and hotel.
  5. Transportation between Narita/Tokyo International Airport.
  6. Travel insurance abroad during the meeting period.

Candidates must bear their airfare to Narita/Tokyo International Airport, Japan.

For more details, please refer to the following website:



The deadline for application is 25/9/2024

How to apply: Please fill out the application form through the previous website, attach the required documents, and submit the complete file, including (the employer’s approval of the nomination), to the following address (7 Dr. Ibrahim Abu Al-Naja Street - Embassy District - Ministry of Higher Education - Fourth Floor) before the specified date of September 25, 2024.

Note that the Central Administration of Missions does not defray any expenses for this meeting.

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African Forum in Ghana


UPSA invites you to attend the QS Africa Forum in Accra, Ghana, from 9th to 10th September.

This year’s forum theme is “Empowering Africa’s Youth: Integrating Entrepreneurship, Future Skills, Artificial Intelligence, and Technology into Education for a Sustainable Future.”

To view the forum topics and learn about the lecturers, please see the following attachment:

Click on the QS Africa Forum 2024 website


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The Sixth International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications in Various Fields


      What was stated by Prof. / Alaa Abdel Wahed Abdel Bary - Vice President of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research regarding the organization of the Academy in cooperation with the National Committee for Mathematics affiliated with the Academy of Scientific Research "The Sixth International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications in Various Fields (Engineering - Medical - Commercial - .... etc.)" during the period from November 30 to December 1, 2024, at the Academy's headquarters in the Smart Village branch.


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A competition to discover talented people from Damietta Governorate


Under the patronage of Professor Dr. Hemdan Rabie Al-Metwally, President of Damietta University, the university is organizing in cooperation with the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Damietta Youth and Sports Directorate) and the Culture Palaces Authority (Damietta Culture Directorate); A competition to discover talented people from Damietta Governorate in sports, arts and programming.

The university launched four competitions:

1- New Salah (football)

2- Da Vinci, Damietta University (drawing and painting)

3- The Voice, Damietta University (Music)

4- The little programmer (programming)

This came out of Damietta University’s keenness to pay attention to the gifted and provide them with unlimited support and care, and the need to unify and develop the efforts being made at present to uncover gifted and innovative people.

Note that the last date for receiving works is August 15th, and participation in the competition is free and there are no fees for this competition. The university also provides training to the talented individuals selected in this competition until September 15th and adopts marketing them with the knowledge of experts in the field.

For more details about the competition and how to register and fill out the form for each, follow the following link the patronage of Professor Dr. Hemdan Rabie Al-Metwally, President of Damietta University, the university organizes in cooperation with the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Damietta Youth and Sports Directorate) and the Culture Palaces Authority (Damietta Culture Directorate); A competition to discover talented people from Damietta Governorate in sports, arts and programming.

The university launched four competitions:

1- New Salah (football)

2- Da Vinci, Damietta University (drawing and painting)

3- The Voice, Damietta University (Music)

4- The little programmer (programming)

This came out of Damietta University’s keenness to pay attention to the gifted and provide them with unlimited support and care, and the need to unify and develop the efforts being made at the present time to uncover gifted and innovative people.

Note that the last date for receiving works is August 15th, and participation in the competition is free and there are no fees for this competition. The university also provides training to the talented individuals selected in this competition until September 15th, and adopts marketing them with the knowledge of experts in the field.

For more details about the competition and how to register and fill out the form for each, follow the following link


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“Computer Teacher in English” Program


 The Supreme Council of Universities, in its 103rd session on July 21, 2024, approved the “Computer Teacher in English” program, a new program with tuition fees for the bachelor’s degree - in the credit hour system at the University’s College of Specific Education.

The computer teacher program in English aims to:

• Preparing the student academically, professionally, and culturally so that he is qualified to teach computer courses in language schools, international schools, and distinguished institutes, and to keep pace with scientific and technological developments in the field of computer science and its applications in the educational process.

• Providing the student with information and knowledge related to computer science and English language courses, which makes him linguistically qualified to communicate with students, in line with the requirements of the new labor market.

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