A team of accredited external auditors visited the Faculty of Science at Damietta university during 21-22/11/2017 .The visit began with the faculty dean’s meeting and the academic leaders .
The team examined the quality documents then has a meeting with the faculty staff members in addition to conduct a lot of meetings and activities during the two days.
The team consists of :-
1. Prof.dr./Reda Mosad Elsaed . The chairman
2. Prof.dr./Azza Ismael Othman . The faculty of science ex-president. (member)
3. Prof.dr./Mamdoh Abdulmageed. (head of chemistry department at El Mansoura faculty of science ) (member)
4. Prof.dr./Mohamed Elbakary .( Physics professor at El Mansoura faculty of science)(member)
5. Dr./Elshahat Abdulaziz Saleh.(Quality Assurance Unit’s manager at El Mansoura faculty of science) ( member)